

Creating Forensics Scientists who revolutionize crime laboratories and criminal investigation

位于俄亥俄州西北部的鲍灵格林市, 博天堂官方从托莱多很容易到达, 底特律, 克利夫兰, 哥伦布, 辛辛那提, 匹兹堡, 印第安纳波利斯或芝加哥. 一个世界级的组合, on campus Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) crime laboratory and criminal investigation facility with the resources of an internationally recognized academic institution have produced a unique interactive forensic science and criminal investigation learning environment. BGSU的未来法医学中心充分利用了这一难得的机会, offering unparalleled experiential learning to forensic science students and a gateway to advanced training and cutting edge forensic science research for practicing forensic scientists, forensic science technicians; crime scene investigators (CSI) and other law enforcement professionals.



• Developing professionals who contribute to the greater good of society by protecting the public and ensuring justice
• Advancing the profession and practice of the forensic sciences through education and cutting-edge research


通过创新合作, 我们培养了革新法医学专业的领导者.


的 BGSU 法医科学 undergraduate degree program is designed to provide students the precise education and training crime laboratories require. BGSU students earning a Bachelor of 科学 with a major in 法医科学 will be prepared for immediate employment as forensic scientists.

法医通常在实验室环境中工作, 但也可能会被送上法庭, 在犯罪现场, 在教室, 或者停尸房.  雇主可能是联邦政府, state and local governments; private forensic laboratories; medical examiner offices; international organizations; hospitals; universities; police departments; or they may work independently as forensic science consultants.

By offering three distinct forensic science specializations under the umbrella of the Bachelor of 科学 with a major in 法医科学 (法医DNA分析, 法医药物分析, 及法证检验), BGSU students have the ability to select the precise forensic curricula that will prepare them to achieve their career goals.

  • 法医DNA分析 专业化培养学生担任DNA分析师的职位, performing blood and other biological material testing on all types of physical evidence to help solve crime through the discriminating power genetic testing.
  • 法医药物分析 专业化培养学生担任药物化学家和法医毒理学家的职位. 的se scientists utilize the latest technologies to identify legally controlled substances and other dangerous drugs or unknown materials.
  • 法医检查 专业化培养学生的位置作为痕量证据分析, 潜在指纹鉴定员, 枪械和工具标记检验员, 并询问了文件审查员. 学生 selecting this specialization will learn how to examine ‘impression’ type evidence such as finger and palm prints, 鞋子, 轮胎, 子弹, cartridge casings and documents; as well as understand the science and technologies associated with the forensic analysis of paint, 玻璃, 头发, 纤维, 射击残留物, 车灯等.
Anyone considering a career in the forensic sciences must be aware that employment applications typically go well beyond normal job requirements for transcripts, 工作经历, 参考文献, 面谈和基本的犯罪记录检查.
虽然因机构或雇主而异, expect applicant background checks to extend to inquiries about use of alcohol and illegal drugs, 家庭和社会伙伴, 金融历史, 警方记录, 以及民事诉讼. 除了, 在互联网上发布的个人信息, 包括社交媒体网站, 可以接受审查吗. Candidates should expect to take drug, personality, and polygraph tests prior to employment. 作为员工,你可能要继续接受药物测试.
上述情况适用于长期博天堂官方网站和实习. 学生必须考虑所有可能影响未来博天堂官方网站的因素.








完成学士学位后, 法医学专业的学生应该能够:

  • 为刑事司法系统的利益,批判性地思考和分析复杂的数据
  • 应用 diverse information and skills toward solving real-world problems associated with solving crimes
  • Utilize laboratory skills with exacting standards and precision of care within the context of solving crimes

博天堂官方网站[BGSU]是由 高等教育委员会.  BGSU于1916年1月1日获得高等教育委员会认证. 最近的 重申认可资格 是在2012 - 2013年收到的. 问题应直接向 机构效能办公室.

法医学项目将进行 程序/集群检查 在2025-26学年.

州立鲍灵格林大学的课程可以获得执照, 证明和/或背书, 是否在线交付, 面对面或混合形式, 满足俄亥俄州对这些证书的学术要求.

牌照要求, 证明和/或背书 eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. 法医科学课程不会导致专业执照.


根据高等教育法第四章披露要求, an institution must provide current and prospective students with information about each of its programs that prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.

的 法医科学 program is not a recognized occupation that requires a Gainful 博天堂官方网站 disclosure.


  • 法医DNA分析
  • 法医药物分析
  • 法医检查


  • demonstrate learned critical thinking and decision making capabilities based on available case facts when analyzing evidence.
  • use laboratory competence garnered through required university coursework in forensic science, 生物与化学.
  • 具备较强的沟通技巧, as necessary to effectively perform as a productive member in a team based analysis approach.
  • 及时高效地完成必要的任务.
  • 符合FBI对DNA分析的教育要求


  • 在真实的犯罪实验室案例工作中展示正式的教育和培训.
  • operate all scientific instrumentation typically used by crime laboratories to identify controlled substances.
  • understand analytical processes necessary to identify controlled substances for criminal proceedings.
  • record accurate and complete examination documentation; as well as use that examination documentation to prepare a laboratory report summarizing their findings.
  • implement the foundation of applied scientific and ethical education to ensure an objective evaluation of suspected controlled substances without bias.


  • 展示基本的犯罪现场调查技巧.
  • 执行各种潜印处理和捕获技术.
  • understand microscopic theory and the ability to use a variety of microscope types in the examination of forensic evidence.
  • operate all scientific instrumentation typically used by crime laboratories in the analysis of trace, 图案和印象证据.
  • describe and defend the scientific foundations of the comparative forensic sciences in a fashion consistent with answering legal challenges. 
